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彼岸花 指间沙





life is just like a boat  

2009-12-10 18:14:45|  分类: 咖啡——英文 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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http://bleachressources.free.fr/...L.mp3Life is just like a boat . It is flowing in the ocean untill the live leave me.I am the captain of my boat,and i am the only creature in it. But at most time,it seems that i have no choice of the direction. I ask myself ,why?

     I just flow the majority. Maybe i am called a pedestrain,just a stander-by. In actually, what is life ? There is no clear definition of the simple word.In my opinion, it is the most complicated word in the world.

    I read many novels and watch many movies . In them ,the heroes or the heroine will say that the real life is peace。We are so curious that we want to explore the unknown things .

    Do not forget one word : dream. When i was a student in the primary school ,i always asked a question:"what is your dream?" I had many answers at that time. But when i was grown up ,i realized that it was an attitude. Dream is a lifetime attitude.It is a thing that i will pursue with my life.

    I am puzzled .I am bewildered by life,future and dream.

    A song sings like this "some dreams are big,some dreams are small. but they all come true."

    I write a sentence like this"some lives are big ,some lives are small." But they are all true.

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